TMJ is a disorder that causes painful inflammation of the temporomandibular joint. This is sometimes called TMJD or DMT. In this article we will talk about what is TMJ, the symptoms of TMJ, and how to relieve pain.
The commune is the most complex temporomanidibular join in the human body. Contrary to the elbow, the TM joint has certain features that allow the jaw goes side to side and up and down.
Because of the complexity of the common lot of things can go wrong and causing the joint to inflame, which can cause excruciating pain. There are many causes and symptoms vary from person to person. Now you can, what is the TMJ, we will talk about its symptoms.
TMJ symptoms
There are many symptoms of TMJ can be taken for a variety of questions. Some complain of tooth pain in the back of the mouth. Some complained that "click" or "popping" sounds in the jaw. The number one complaint is the stiffness of the muscles around the area of pain in the mandible and maxilla extreme.
It's also what I have too much experience. This pain may radiate to the face and into your ear. I also feel pain of teeth and severe headaches because of this disorder as well.
How it starts
TMJ can start in many different ways. Some doctors believe it begins with some type of trauma to the joint, while others believe it is hereditary, while others, if only to reduce the problem of stress! As a victim, I can say that all three can contribute. I realized that when I'm stressed at work, my TMJ begins to act and the pain worse.
I hope you've learned some things in this article TMJ. Now you know what you have TMJ, TMJ symptoms, and what you can do to relieve the pain. No one seems to talk about this disease and do not have much information about it.
Have you ever given awake in bed at night, because of your TMJ pain? I remember my wife, she just want to shoot me, because I had nothing to stop the constant pain. It hurts to chew your food well! Fortunately, I found some things that relieve pain, and can actually reverse damage to the common TMJ.