BRUXISM, or teeth grinding is an abnormal behavior of man, where humans grinds or clenches their teeth in the usual way. Adults and children suffer from this. It is estimated that the number of people suffering from BRUXISM is between 35M and 45M, and this includes both children and adults.
This can occur both in day or night. It occurs mostly in children at night, when they are completely asleep while the adults are affected both in day and night. The individual is aware of this method, when it happens during the day, while it is difficult to know, when it occurs during sleep. This sleep BRUXISMis also known as nocturnal bruxism. This may cause damage to the tooth or fracture dental fillings.
Signs And Symptoms
Symptoms and signs of gnashing of teeth are tooth wear, teeth flattened, extending teeth, tooth sensitivity, pain and loosening of teeth, tooth enamel wears away, restricted jaw movement, improper food, unsightly wrinkles in the corners of the lips, ears hurt, facial pain, headache, jaw pain, depression, insomnia, etc.
Clenching or grinding teeth at night can cause discomfort for those who sleep in the same room
Reasons for the sound of teeth grinding
The following are possible causes of BRUXISM in adults.
Alignment (abnormal) upper and lower teeth
Medical conditions - cerebral palsy and Difficulties in learning
Aggressive, competitive and hyperactive
Psychological problems - anger, anxiety, frustration, stress and tension
Bruxism in children
Parents would be interested in seeing their children sleep in peace with breathing at ease. However, there are parents who get to know their son grinds his teeth and gnashes. Bruxism is very common in children under 5 years and experts estimate that 3% to 4% of children in this age group are affected by bruxism. Fortunately, most children overcome this problem after they have adult teeth.
Some of the causes of this disorder in children are as follows.
Wrong tooth alignment , upper and lower at the time of eruption Hyperactive Children.
Children tend to BRUXISM if they have pain while teething or having earache
Stressful situations because of tension or anger
Disorders such as cerebral palsy
In addition to the above, Huntington's disease / Parkinson's disease can also cause this disorder, because the use of drugs -
Over 50% of the children to stop this habit before reaching the age of 12 years.
Bruxism treatment
Most cases require no treatment of BRUXISM. Children overcome bruxism without receiving treatment once the permanent teeth and adults rather rarely have severe BRUXISM.
In severe cases, should be treated with dental, psychological and medication. Psychological and medical problems must be supported by specialists in their respective fields - doctors, psychologists, etc.
Dental care depends on the current situation in the tooth wear. If the condition is severe, it is important to restore teeth by dental crowns. This leads to normal teeth size and help in making jaws normal and also improve the appearance of your teeth and face.
If you waer out is in the early stages, it is necessary to adopt measures to prevent damage to teeth.
Some of the measures that help to prevent grinding of teeth - wore a mouthguard, stress management, repair misaligned teeth, behavioral therapy, botox, medication, etc.
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